This has nothing to do with gardening, but I just had to share what happened to me today!
I serve a truly AWESOME God! Today I went treasure hunting with my friend, Natalie, at Salvation Army. We were almost home when, to my horror, I realized I had forgotten my purse. We went back and asked the cashiers about it, but no one had turned it in. I would not have been freaking out, since I had my phone with me and my wallet had all of $12 in it, but my iPod touch was in there! I was positive I would never get it back.
Then...a wonderfully kind lady called to tell us she had found it. But wait - it gets better! When we got to her house all she had was my wallet and my iPod. My purse was not there. She said she had seen the iPod and wallet when she was checking out because it had fallen to the bottom of the cart. We kept thanking her and she kept saying "I had to; it was the right thing to do."
All I can think of is that someone must have tried to grab it and my wallet and iPod must have fallen out. So, unless some strange person was looking for used lip gloss, they weren't going to find much...except a small bible. The crazy thing is that I have dropped it upside down and nothing falls out, which is one of the things I like most about that purse. It was totally God!
Later someone from the Salvation Army called to say that someone had turned in the actual purse - apparently they didn't need used lip gloss!
I am still in such awe of how faithful God is to me!!!
Great story, thanks for sharing